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Thursday, January 13, 2011


Ok now is 13 January 20ll, so that means my birthday will be in 1 more month and day....so yeah it's been 2 days I said that I was going to make a new video for my YouTube channel...but I dint do it cause I don't have any idea for videos...why am I changing topics....so...ok pliss add me in FB just type my email 'jazmanrudi@yahoo.com' n you'll see a guy in a red shirt holding a handset....n this is my phone no.0173496493....and subcribe me in YouTube just type 'jazmanrudi' and there it is.....

P/S syed,u got in the 18th place?that's Gus enough for YOU!
(yay!my birthday is coming-14 February 20ll..)

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