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Sunday, December 26, 2010

No phone??

Hhmmmm....I don't even have a cellphone for quite sometimeS...I wish I had money to buy any...but if you wanna kno about the story on how I lost the phone..???this is how it begin

One upons a time there was this little boy called Maman also known as jazman...why not we get to point it's more easier...I was walking and walking waiting For my friends to get out of the mosque...while I wait I was enjoy a song using my cellphone n that time I was at the playground…than there was this pole a blue pole...I tried to balance it on top of the pole
And than for a few second it went down in the pOle ...than my friends finally came out of the mosque but unluckily my friends can't get my phone....so that is how I lost my phone...but now
I got cellphone but I can only use it when it is in urgent..So I'll just keep my money and do something nicer..so this is it...chaw

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