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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


bEST MAIN main MInecraft walaupon  seminGGu skali.....so sume benda kotak...bley buat rumah n craft ape2 je...so klu korng ske main minecraft.....bahese inggres lakk...its so fun playing minecraft....but i get to play it three times a week...so everthing s in a cube shape n u can build n craft stuff like thorces n pick axe...so if u wanna play mincraft just go to google search typpe in minecraft alpha auto update hybrid press search and then click the first suggestion and then it will laed u to a website n press download on top and wait it download and just do wat eve it ask u to do...ur done...now im playing minecraft beta 1.1_0.2 cause it updates by itself.....u can download mine edit to....happy playing!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


woooooooooohoooooooooo!!!!!! my blog have been edited and i finnaly kno how to put the mixpod yahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!this blog is short! and this was the first time i did it!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A flock of roses for u XD

Well this blog doesn't have anything to do with the title up there.....well I want to give her flowers...hhmmmmm...umm...hmph!...lalalalla..seriously who can donate me money??umm...I'll go ask my fren...I want to. Quit blogging for the week only staring frm now

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Too many school work!!

Argh! I hate school! They give us student to many school homework!!now I forgot wat HW I have,shit!!!!
So pliss teachers plus stop giving us too many homework!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Ok now is 13 January 20ll, so that means my birthday will be in 1 more month and day....so yeah it's been 2 days I said that I was going to make a new video for my YouTube channel...but I dint do it cause I don't have any idea for videos...why am I changing topics....so...ok pliss add me in FB just type my email 'jazmanrudi@yahoo.com' n you'll see a guy in a red shirt holding a handset....n this is my phone no.0173496493....and subcribe me in YouTube just type 'jazmanrudi' and there it is.....

P/S syed,u got in the 18th place?that's Gus enough for YOU!
(yay!my birthday is coming-14 February 20ll..)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bye bye :')

So today will be my last blog for this month and there will be no blog till march 14.....so I'm more focusing to try and talk to her if u kno who....man,I like to not tell u who is it....and I'm also focusing on my DVD or at least a new video on my YouTube channel.....cause now it be more better since my mother bought her a new laptop...and now I can use her old laptop for making videos...so Ill be reading people blog sometimes...
Bubye :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hhmmmmm.. :(

I feel disappointed......I feel betrayed......i feel like I'm betraying her...I don't want that to happen....argh!ni ntuk ko budak pompuan yng durum tepi aku..... Ko jangan sesekali pon ske aq....hhmmmmm••••••• :-(:(:....I miss u....(bkn budak yng duduk tepi aku)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New video

Now we(mrbubblegumproductio)are making a new video called tron legacy the parody so we have to do late....our members are busy on their other stuff so we are kinda like making it late....so when the video is coming Ill show u

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

me and my beloved girl had a fight.....I said tht she maybe is cheating on me.....I said that cause I don't want her to leave me,I love her mo than I love my bed....I just want her to be safe just then she canceled the date for us to get coupling ....then I explained why I told her thiS.....then she was sad n told back I love you don't so this to me again...then u sId ok....so tht was the story n now we love each other again

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Now I know

Wow!now I kno why she doesnt contact me or reply messages in FB
1.the guy who hack my facebook remove her
2.now she does not always online in facebook...
So I kinda like her and really want her....
First day of school is kinda boring...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

hating her??should i??

hhmmm....i'm starting to hate her...i don't kno why.......i think she is..how to say??hmmm...let just say cheating on me....she does not contact me anymore......n if she like someone else..i should just stay away from her n did like the last times when i used to hate her..what i did was just ignore her......seriously!!she won't like it...i kno 1 day ur reading this......ur not replying my last message in FB......so its like u don't care about me anymore......i hate u!!(alittle but still like u)