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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

embarrassing moments

me and Lokman Ha Hakim got into an embarrassing moment at 7-eleven ..we bought alot of stuff and we paid with coins....it took 3 7-e staff to count all the coin that we took...it took like more than 5 min to count it all...and 1 of the staff said 'nisume duit tabung adik ke??'...n in a very funny way to...so than we took our stuff n felt embarrassing

Monday, December 27, 2010

james 'The Rev' Sullivan Memorial Day

Today is "the rev" Memorial day...so i sholud wear a black,purple or dark blue shirt n watch and hear this song for today every time.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1Bi1c9LmhU.....This song is called Nightmare from A7X

A Beautiful Girl

there is ones this girl i love....she is the prettiest girl i've met...she is smart n i'm a lunatic n she is the girl i want to be with..her name is...A.I.N....If she is reading this, i want her to read this
I love you not because I need you. I need you because I love you and Our love is like the wind. I can’t see it but I can feel it.

Galactic redux

hmmm......Galactic redux is shutting for ever????hmmm i think we should just do something about it
hhmmmm...klu bwt group bru nnti budak nusa sbang da bwt 8 group da...so ....tak tau nak bwt ape ah...hmm..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

No phone??

Hhmmmm....I don't even have a cellphone for quite sometimeS...I wish I had money to buy any...but if you wanna kno about the story on how I lost the phone..???this is how it begin

One upons a time there was this little boy called Maman also known as jazman...why not we get to point it's more easier...I was walking and walking waiting For my friends to get out of the mosque...while I wait I was enjoy a song using my cellphone n that time I was at the playground…than there was this pole a blue pole...I tried to balance it on top of the pole
And than for a few second it went down in the pOle ...than my friends finally came out of the mosque but unluckily my friends can't get my phone....so that is how I lost my phone...but now
I got cellphone but I can only use it when it is in urgent..So I'll just keep my money and do something nicer..so this is it...chaw

Saturday, December 25, 2010

facebook addict...

yo,I'm addicted to facebook..i just can't stop myself from using it I'll get 20 notification a day sometimes...plus the games i got its just to many...hmmm...for anybody who's reading this pliss don't be an addict like me
p/s dont be ashame of yourself ha-ha

Friday, December 24, 2010

This Is My First TIme Using the blog

ithis blog is short so i forc myself to try using this thing i dont like blog so much cause blogis something like a diary so maybe i dont care n dont know so ummm..,,,,,,whatever la

slow computer sucks!!

THis freaking laPtoP is So F****** Slow!!!!please let the internet be faster....
maybe the unifi is slow n the laptop be fast